Smart biogas web app features

Consumption Correction

What is Consumption Correction?

Sometimes you will look at the gas consumption of a customer and know that it does not reflect the truth. For example, this may be because there’s been a leak, or some maintenance has created false values.

You can now add or remove consumption to correct for such situations, resulting in more realistic total gas consumption.You can find the consumption correction log at the bottom of a  digester data page.

How does it work?

To create a consumption correction, you will need to add:

  • A start date/time and end date/time.

For example, this could be a leak over a week or some maintenance that took a couple of hours. You cannot record in more detail than an hour.

  • Whether you want to increase or decrease the recorded gas consumption.

  • The volume of gas in m3. This will be your estimate of how much gas was or wasn’t recorded.

  • The reason. This text box allows you to describe why the change is being made. This will help others know why the change was made or remind you in the future when you look back.

The consumption correction log will show any corrections made to a customer, who corrected them, and when. You can click on an entry that will let you edit an entry to correct any mistakes.

What is the impact?

Any corrections made will be visible in the consumption corrections log. 

The only place this applies is the Total Gas Consumption in the Current Status. The asterisk will tell you when a correction has been applied.

No change was made to the graph or the statistics displayed with it.

You should consider any impact on payments made/due by the customer by adding or removing the appropriate credit on the payments page.

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