Data CSV file

Data CSV file

Downloading the data from a customer's data page gives a CSV file of all the data that has been received from the customer's device. Below is a summary of the column headings and what they mean:


Unix Timestamp

The time and date in unix time sent from the Cloud Solar device.


Local Time

The date and time sent from the Cloud Solar device, converted to the local time for your own location, based on your browser.


Load State

  • DISABLED: load is disabled
  • ON: load is enabled
  • OFF_LOW_SOC: load is disabled because of low battery
  • OFF_OVERCURRENT: load is disabled because of over-current
  • OFF_OVERVOLTAGE: load is disabled because of over-voltage
  • OFF_LOAD_SHORT_CIRCUIT: load is disabled because a short circuit was detected
  • OFF_TEMPERATURE: load is disabled because the temperature is too high
  • MULTIPLE_ERRORS: load is disabled because of multiple errors
  • OFF_LOAD_VOLTAGE_DIP: load is disabled because of a load voltage dip


Load Power

The power of the load output, including USB output at the time of sending in watts.


Total Load Energy (Wh)

The total amount of energy consumed through the load and USB ports over the lifetime of the device in Wh.


Energy Used Since Last Report (Wh)

The delta between the previous data point and the current data point. i.e. The amount of energy used in the time since the data point on the previous line (usually 15 minutes).


Solar Power (W)

The power of the solar input at the time of sending in watts.


Solar Voltage (V)

The voltage of the solar input at the time of sending in volts.


Total Solar Energy (Wh)

The total amount of energy inputted from the solar panel over the lifetime of the device in Wh.


Battery Voltage (V)

Battery voltage at the time of sending in volts.


State of Charge

The state of charge of the battery calculated using the algorithm on the device as a percentage.


No of Full Charges

The number of times the battery has been fully charged since the device started recording data.


No of Deep Discharges

The number of times the load has been disconnected due to low battery since the device started recording data.


Battery Charge Total (Wh)

Accumulated battery charging energy in Wh.


Battery Discharge Total (Wh)

Accumulated battery discharging energy in Wh.


BETA - Usable Battery (Ah)

Shows the available capacity of the battery in Ah. This is using a different algorithm to the state of charge and is not currently used in the software platform. BETA mode - for comparison and testing purposes only.



This refers to the internal temperature in °C of the charge controller unless an external temperature sensor is fitted, in which case it displays this temperature.


Restart Detected

If the device has restarted, the value is set to TRUE.


RSSI (dBm)

Signal strength in dB. The scale is from 0 to -120. The closer to 0, the stronger the signal. 


Error Flag


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