Data Page

Data Page

Last Seen and Signal Strength

Last seen lets you know when the device last communicated with the server. The information displayed on the page is from the time that the device was 'last seen'.

Signal strength shows the strength of the connection that the device achieved last time it connected with the server. Low signal strengths can lead to patchy data and/or the device going offline.


Load State History

This widget shows when the customer's Cloud Solar device has turned the load output on or off. The reasons for the change can be:

  1.  The customer has run out of credit or added credit to their account when they previously had     none
  2.  The load has been turned on or off manually
  3.  There is an issue such as low battery, over current or short circuit

The switch within this widget allows you to turn the load on or off manually. It is password protected.


Battery widget

The battery widget shows the latest data from the device. The temperature displayed is the internal temperature of the charge controller unless there is an optional external temperature sensor attached, in which case it displays the temperature of that sensor.


Load Power

This shows the power connected to the load output, including the USB output from the latest data.


Solar Power

This shows the power of the solar input from the latest data, as well as the weather from the latest data.



The graph displays the collected data for the time period selected. The time period aggregation shows total energy production and consumption for that time period and the average state of charge. Clicking on an element in the legend shows/hides that metric.

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